Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Facing Prison for Darfur. Day #6 Hunger Strike in DC

It seems I face up to 6 months prison for fighting to stop the Darfur Genocide. Small price to pay.

In Januray I was on 23 hour/day vigil for Darfur at the White House. An old-school park police officer was on duty one night and decided he wanted me out of the park. After 60+ nights in the park vigiling for Darfur without arrest, he decided to chase me out. I would not leave my Darfur post. It was a nasty arrest. The next court date is March 21st.

The activists that have been demonstrating in the park for years agains war, nuclear weapons, etc. are kind of tired I think of my praising the professionalism and humanity of the police in the park. This gentlemen, this night, was a horrible exception.

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